Bus Shelters, Bins and Benches

Bus Shelters

Bus Shelters provide users with a protected area sheltering them from the harsh weather conditions such as wind, rain snow or sun. Bus riders are often at risk of getting caught in the rain or dealing with blistering wind and freezing cold; so, Parishes provide shelter across their areas to meet local need.

Many of these have been adopted, built at various times and in various traditions. Indeed, some in St Cleer are still owned and maintained by Cornwall Council. Darite is a perfect example where the concrete one is owned by the Parish and the wooden one by Cornwall.

It was agreed in 2019 that as able and with all safety matters managed that Parish would use the roof of the shelters to provide planting for wild flowers and a sanctuary therefore for bees and butterflies. Crows Nest shelter was purchased with this in mind and will be the first structure to be made wild.

Having provided reactionary maintenance on them for many years, when the Estates Caretaker role was incepted in 2019 this has been put on a more formal footing with all shelters now cleaned and those noted here maintained as stated.

If your local shelter is damaged or dirty, please let the caretaker know by emailing: clerk@stcleerparishcounil.gov.uk
Crows Nest Bus Shelter


Grit Bins

A grit bin, salt bin or sand bin holds a mixture of salt and grit that is spread over roads if they have snow or ice on them. A grit bin improves winter road safety on roads that are not gritted by other means, such as from a winter service vehicle.

Anyone may use a grit bin to clear a public path or road, they are generally not intended for personal use. The salt lowers the melting point of the snow causing it to melt (see sodium chloride). The grit component improves the friction between a vehicle's tires and the road.

The bins are filled once per year by Cornwall Council with additional fills dependent on local need. https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/transport-parking-and-streets/roads-highways-and-pavements/gritting-and-winter-maintenance/salt-bins/

If your local bin is damaged or empty, please let the caretaker know by emailing: Caretaker@stcleerparishcouncil.gov.uk
Please click here to see the Sites and Status of our Grit Bins




Hoping that residents and visitors alike will take time to enjoy the beauty in and around the Parish, a number of benches are provided.

In 2019/2020 a programme of refurbishment was commenced and the new benches are all made from recycled materials and built to require no maintenance and ought to last a minimum of 25 years; probably longer as they are made from plastic bottles which do not degrade.

All benches were professionally installed and where appropriate laid on a concrete plinth to prevent weeds and brambles from growing and annoying the users.

Some older benches will form a second tranche of refurbishment as funding allows. Should you wish to sponsor a bench and dedicate it to the memory of an individual or an event, group or company please contact the Clerk.

These benches cost approximately £750 each to purchase, transport and install on plinths.

Tremar Lane Phone Box

The decommissioned phone box in Tremar Lane was purchased by Parish in 2019 for £1; it is being refurbished by Cleerway Church to bring it back to its former glory after a long period of neglect by British Telecom.

There are no definitive plans for its use at this time; and Parish would welcome requests, suggestions and ideas from the public.

Once it is restored this new use can be commissioned