St Cleer Sports Field and Pavilion

The field was purchased by St Cleer PC and a Pavilion built with a Public Works Loan Board loan. The current Pavilion is an extended version of the original, the work being paid for mainly with funding from Sport England.

Since 2019 the Parish has been working in partnership with the football teams, under a Service Level Agreement, to improve the pitches and clarify responsibilities between the parties. This arrangement has enabled grant funding from the Football Foundation for a Splitter, new goals and vertidraining, seeding and sanding. The football stand has been recognised as the domain of the St Cleer FC who now manage, maintain and insure it and the dugouts.

It was decided to make St Cleer Sports field a Queen Elizabeth II Field in Trust in 2013. Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge, was a programme run by Fields in Trust aiming to protect outdoor recreational spaces across the UK to create a "grassroots legacy" in celebration of the 2012 Diamond Jubilee. This means that our Sports Field is Protected Land Fields in Trust supervises the property over which the Association acts as Guardian Trustee and ensures that it retains its charitable purpose. The Fields in Trust charity has a role in the protection of over 2,700 parks, playing fields and nature reserves across the United Kingdom. In total, the Fields in Trust's land portfolio represents an interest over 30,000 acres (12,000 ha). 

The Land is in three parts; an upper and lower field separated by a tree break and the area behind the Pavilion.


 View our Pavilion Map.


Hire Rates 2024 - 2025


The Pavilion

There are spectacular and breath-taking views from the pavilion and sports ground stretching to the coast and to the china clay area. It is a truly inspirational place to visit.

The Sportsground has regular hirers in the resident St. Cleer Football Club and St. Cleer and Liskeard Youth Football Club. In 2020 there were 2 adult teams and 9 youth teams so good use is made of the 4 changing rooms and Referees area. On term time Mondays the St Cleer Youth Club is in residence providing vital support to the young people of the area. 

If you are interested in starting or trying other sporting activities please contact the Clerk at The Council are always interested and will try and assist.  

Inside the Pavilion
The Pavilion has shower and toilet facilities for those with additional needs
Free Broadband now provides a Wi-Fi hotspot 24/7 
There is also a kitchen area and space for our clubs and associations to display their trophies and achievements
Outside the Pavilion
There is a large free car park for users
The external area has CCTV coverage including night vision that is monitored as appropriate 
 Around 8 acres of grassed area
An outdoor gym
A multi use games area

The Tree Break

Trees need to be managed over time and in 2019 following recommendation from the Football Association a decision was made to thin the trees to allow more light to the pitches; an increase in the variety of trees (including introducing willow trees behind the goals to aid drainage) and to improve the environment.

Cuttings were chipped on site and added to the area to improve the soil; the area was also seeded with local wild flowers to encourage bees and butterflies.

Several bird nesting boxes were added in 2020 to support wildlife.


Photos supplied by Happy Habitats

Trees at sunset

Row of tree silhouettes

Maintenance Programme

Like all buildings, the Pavilion needs to be looked after but as a Parish Asset managing a community building is also about providing a legacy for generations to come. Maintenance is a key element of this:

  • In 2018 a new sealed unit heating system was installed
  • In 2019 the pavilion was re wired and a new circuit board installed
  • In 2020 Broadband was installed
  • Legionella testing is conducted at least annually and water run in less used areas to promote water health
  • PAT testing of all electrical appliances is conducted regularly and the caretaker has been trained to manage this into the future.
During the pandemic, an extensive refurbishment of the main communal areas was undertaken alongside improvements to the décor of St Cleer FCs Home and away changing rooms. The oil store repainted, soffits manded and a programme of fence conservation commenced.

In July 2020 a full survey to underpin the next phase of Pre Planned Preventative Maintenance was commissioned alongside a RoSPA assessment of the field and an discrete access assessment; this will inform the work plan for the next 5 – 10 years.